Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just because you tell Life that you've got it by the balls...

Doesn't mean life won't turn around and knock you on your ass.

The last 30 hours or so, Emily(lets just get it out there, OK. My youngest daughter is Emily) and I have been in and out of a couple hospitals, a cardiologists office for an emergency appt he drove from Portland for, and to see our Family Doc.

Yesterday, Emily thought she would be a Smurf for the say and be cyanotic. The first hospital, the one which claims its a Saint. Looked at her and sent us home. Later, at the Central Hospital... They ran EVERY TEST they could think of on her. Paged the Ped's Cardio and only let us go hom for 3.5 hours before we had to be back to see him. They did more tests on her this morning and she is now hooked up to a Holter Monitor(basically, a 24hr monitor/EKG thingamajig) so we can record her heart rate. She DOES have something wrong with her. Its called an SVT. SupraVentricular Tachycardia.

Also today, my bank called. The new checks we ordered. The ones I thought I had double checked the info on... Yeah, the ones that have the WRONG account number and I have 12 out there to be drawn on a non-account. I cried. On the phone. With the lady from the bank. Like.A.Baby.



Mary Ellen said...

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I don't know anything at all about heart issues, other than that they are seriously scary.

I'll pray for Emily - and you! Try to remember to take care of yourself, because this is when the nasty viruses like to come and kick your ass. I know this first hand! Get as much rest as you can and drink lots of fluids - maybe some vitamin C or echinachea wouldn't hurt, either. Hang in there!

Corrine said...

I have a nephew with SVT. He also had a monitor. Doing very well. I will find out details, and let you know.
I hope she is doing OK, and You can get a little rest.

kim-d said...

NO, NO, NO! NO blue sprouts! Man alive, no wonder you were boo-hooing to the bank lady. I'm glad that Corrine can get you some info from someone who has already been there, and I also agree with ME. You've got to take care of yourself, too. You're doing such a good job of trying to keep yourself healthy with the quitting and the losing, but stress really does leave you open to those ass-kicking viruses. Take care of you!