Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The sun is shining and the snow is falling...

How strange. I just looked out the window and its incredibly sunny. Or maybe because its winter and we hardly see the sun that it seems so bright. That in itself is a little strange, but its also snowing at the same time! Such is life in Maine I guess, where the weird weather(50+ degrees on Sun) gets weirder. I realized this morning that I never did a Christmas update. And while things are still very fragile with my aunt, I can't help but be reminded how incredibly loved and spoiled we were over Christmas, especially since I've spent the last few days cleaning up from the chaos.

The kids have finally dug out of the mountain of presents they received. I have asked them all what their favorite was and here was the response.

Little Man: My favorite present was that everyone had a good time and my Lego Star Wars Magna Guard Starfighter.

Busy Bee: My Hannah Montana Van that does 8 things and I'm a huge fan. And my DS.

Rolly Polly: My Ninja Turtle Van. Because I love Ninja Turtles. My favorite is "Weo". Oh, and Rock Band from Nana and Grampy!!!!

I still can't quite believe that its all over. It seems like, for weeks, we build up and build up and then WHAM, its all over. Then all those things you've collected have to be packed back away for another year. It was very sad wrapping up all of my Santas, but I know I will see them next year.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Need some good thoughts!

Hi Folks,

I don't really talk about my Aunt G and her battle with breast cancer much, mostly because she'd kill me if she knew we were so worried. But, over Christmas she was admitted to the hospital in Fl. Her potassium is way too low, she's lost her voice, and my uncle called and asked my mom to go down. So, she's not doing well. I'm asking anyone who reads this to please say a prayer, send a good thought, anything they feel comfortable with for Aunt G. The warm thoughts will find their way where they belong! Thanks!

UPDATE 11:30PM: They have found two new tumors. My mom is flying down Sun AM. I FUCKING HATE breast cancer.

UPDATE SUN EVE: Aunt G is in ICU. I don't know any more than that right now. Please just pray!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

My list is somewhat shorter this afternoon, but with our Christmas starting in 4 hours at my parents, I have to get CRAZY busy! So, in honor of this special day, I've pulled out a pic that I'm sure will be my favorite for years to come! Yeah, he's SO getting coal from the big guy! LOL! I'm raising complete badasses!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Damn To Do Lists

So I have this to do list:

  • Check supplies for Christmas Dinner
  • Buy whatever else I need
  • Bake 4 kinds of cookies
  • Finish wrapping
  • clean house for In-Laws arrival(living, kitchen, bath, master, kids rooms?, laundry)
  • change all beds
  • sort stocking stuff for each child to expedite Christmas Eve stocking stuffing
  • maintain house
I'm guessing that you've all figured out what this really is. A way to procrastinate of course.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Reason #687 why I deserve the Bad Mom Award.

This is the first year that I have actually put presents under the tree before Christmas morning since the kids have been mobile. When they were babies, it was easy to keep them out of them. But then they had to go and start walking, getting into things, and all that crap. So, the presents had to be hidden. This year, as I wrapped, they went under the tree. And, I have to tell you, its much easier to keep track of who has what this way.

But... It is pure torture to my children... And I don't care. MWAH-AH-AH.

At least once a day, Busy Bee gets under the tree to try to figure out who has which wrapping paper, as I didn't do tags. Each person just has their own wrapping paper and a small initial under a flap in the wrapping, because we all know my fibro fog will kick in and I won't remember who had which paper. And at least twice a day, BB will burst into tears exclaiming, "Mumma, I just CAN'T WAIT until Christmas. Can we PLEASE, pretty please, open them now?"

And, I sit there, and laugh.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So, I've been busy...

But, once you see this face....


Completely melt and then.....

I'll hear the sounds of AWWWWWWW....

From the 3 people that actually read my nonsense...

This is Sammy! He's mine, all mine. I'm so incredibly spoiled.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Your weekend update with Seth Meyers...Nope, just me.

What a weekend. Its nearly impossible for me to post on the weekends as I work nearly 20 hours in 2 days and by the time I get home Sunday night, I have lessons to plan, laundry to do, etc. So, I literally fall into bed when I finally get there.

Work was typical, a blast. I have entirely too much fun at work. I work in the "hub" of our little town. Its the only grocer around, so we see everyone in town in the course of a weekend. Most people who live here like to have a good time, so its really fun to joke around with, well, your neighbors all day.

Last night was our little Christmas party for work. We're like a little random dysfunctional family, so it was good fun. And I really have a pretty awesome boss. So, I'll be sticking around as long as I can.

Today, we might have some big goings on in our little home. I can't tell you, cuz its a secret, but I might be able to show you all later!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Blue Christmas

The Christmas blues seem to be setting in a bit early this year. Typically, they wait, though not patiently, until after I have done the shopping, the cookie baking, the decorating. etc. They wait until all there is left to do is wait for the big day. This year though, its barely a week after Thanksgiving, and I am blue. Blue as the ocean off the Maine coast. That murky, almost brown, blue.

I've been fighting off the tears much more than usual lately. I'm sure it has something to do with worry. I'm worried about my "sister", her successful surgery, long recovery, and that I'm not there to help and love on her. I worry about my Aunt G, who is also battling breast cancer. I'm worried about the kids not getting what they want because their tastes have gotten MUCH more expensive over the year, though they won't even care after they've opened their loot.

But, I wonder, since I get like this every year... If there is much more to it. Thanks to a few years of therapy, I have the tools to narrow it down to what the real culprit is, but I'm having no luck. I have all I need, all I want, all the important things and people are taken care of. Yet, I seem to sit on the verge of tears nearly every day. I just thank God I haven't heard that song "Christmas Shoes" yet, or I'd be a puddle.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Final Update of the day

A long day of surgery. Heard from Mom at 9:30, Andrea was still in surgery, but soon to be heading to ICU. Things went well. Keep thinking good things!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Update 1

Andrea went in at 9am. So far things are going smoothly!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow!

Andrea gets her new boobies tomorrow, along with a sassy tummy tuck! SWEET!

Its a long surgery, and a risky one. So, if anyone should see this, say a prayer, keep her in your thoughts. Thanks! I'll update throughout the day.

Monday, December 1, 2008

One of those posts where I'm just going to ramble like a crazy lady...

Sitting down to write tonight, I had no idea what to write about, yes already. I know I just started back to this blogging stuff after a long hiatus, I should have stuff to say. But, getting back into the swing of this is harder than I thought it would be. So for now, I'm just trying to get in the swing of writing daily, even if its is twenty minutes before tomorrow.

A lot happened around here over the summer. BD(Big Daddy) and I played softball for a COED league in Auburn. It was a blast playing again, remembering how much I love the sport, how much a part of who I am it is... It was also hard. I'm not as young as I used to be, or in shape, or well any part of who I used to be... Except for the love of being on that field getting dirty and bruised. Holy hell, did I get bruised. I'll have to post the pics sometime. Yes, its that impressive. But, April can't come fast enough for me.

I also gained a Sister In Law and a niece over the Summer. My BABY brother got married and as of Halloween became a father. He's happy, the kids are ADORABLE and SWEET and she's VERY nice. So we're thrilled for them.

I am finally getting over a three month bout of pneumonia which nearly landed me in the hospital. I had taken everything I could take at home, except steroids, which I'm allergic to. It came down to one last ditch effort with meds and a nebulizer, which seem to have finally done the trick. I still find myself exhausted some days and still don't get done what I want to every day, but my doc explained that it can take a really long time to get completely back to normal. So, I keep plugging along.

My fibro had been completely under control with the warm summer, but since the cold has come back, its back to the pain. I try not to talk much about it because its the SSDD.

The kids have been AWESOME considering they were dealing with a sick mom for so long. Our homeschooling is still very much a daily adventure, but that's the best part. If we don't get it all done one day, we can get to it the next day or the day after. It all eventually gets done and they are happy and VERY healthy. BB(Busy Bee) has only had one bout with her asthma since being pulled out of public school and that turned out to be croup again. So....

Little Man will officially be asking Santa for his 2 front teeth. They came out weeks ago and there are still no signs of the big teeth to come. So we wait. BB is 6 and still hasn't lost any. I just hope RP(Rolly Polly, though that name MUST change as she isn't so much anymore) follows their footsteps with the late lost teeth.

Guess that's enough rambling for now.