Sunday, November 30, 2008

Because tomorrow is the 1st of December...

Here's our Christmas card pic for this year...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why the hell am I working again?

So, I stated working on the weekends back in August as a way to get some adult interaction and some extra money. I love working, who I work for, and the people I work with(most of them). I usually look forward to going to work.

What I didn't think about or worry about missing when I started my job, were all of the Holiday festivities we typically do together. Like the parade today... Or the Breakfast with Santa next weekend...

It honestly never crossed my mind until this week. And now I want to lay on the floor and pound my fists, kicking and screaming because I DON'T WANNA GO TO WORK.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cue the retro Jaws music...

Yes, it true. MOC is back. Though I know that my hiatus was unannounced, I'm sure many of you weren't surprised, as I had become a non-poster. It was, however, much needed as life got out of hand, as it is want to do at times. Now that we seem to have everything back in order and a routine back I have found myself missing this outlet of creativity and sharing. So, here I am. I have missed my blog friends so much and I hope that you will all have me back.

Now, onto the nonsense...


I just went Black Friday shopping, and it really wasn't bad, but I cheated. Kinda-Sorta.

You see, over the mountain from our place, there is a dept. store that is ALWAYS empty. I know the only reason its still there is because its a HUGE chain that I don't think has ever closed a store. So, I went there at 6am. And it was still less busy than the other dept. store of the same chain 20 minutes in the other direction from our place ANY day of the week. So, I got all the good deals and didn't really have to fight any crowd. Say it with me now... Hallelujah.

My Christmas tree has been up since Tuesday. Yes, I've become one of those people I typically mock. But, my excuse is that it was a cruddy, rainy snowy day and we were all bored. So, we dragged all the stuff through the mud and slush and are in the Christmas spirit a bit early. I normally would have waited until this weekend, but since I now work on the weekends, it kind of worked out. The kids decorated the entire thing and I don't have the heart or energy to change it, so it is a LEANING Christmas tree. But they are so proud of it.

And that is all that matters.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Just testing m new digs...